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Lisa Leyla tried our juices

27-11-23|General information|

Lisa Leyla from the blog Leyla's Bazaar tried our First Date juice fasting. Business student in Zurich, passionate about fashion, good healthy meals, it's in January 2015 that she entered the blogger world. And ever since she rocked it! Her articles are great and full of amazing photographs, go take a peek ! And here's her blog post just for you ! After reading this title you are probably thinking something along the lines of: “3 days without food? I could never do that, I’d be starving, for sure, no way I could never go without food for 3 [...]

Craftmanship on a roll…

27-11-23|General information|

Wether it’s a craft beer, a homemade burger or cold-pressed juice, all those concepts were born out of an obvious need of authentic and local. Pushed to the extreme, the products that we regularly find in supermarkets became more neutral and bland than ever, caused by the problem of pricing rather than it’s quality. It is time to give back to the fruit it’s intense and refreshing taste and to the veggies their beautiful coloured gown. Retail juices Not an easy task to find what you need between all the different types of juices. A juice is made out [...]

How to stay healthy during winter in 5 easy steps

27-11-23|General information|

1.Take warm baths Winter is definitely the season to RELAY ! Our vitamin D stocks are in free fall and it is important to give ourselves little breaks during the day and well deserved rest. During the long winter nights, why not take the time to take more baths? The best way is to add essential oils to your tub (Lush has some great products) that help our bodies blow some steam. Scrubs are also often forgotten in winter but they are great to remove all the dry skin that we shed. This needs to be followed by an [...]

[Testimonial] Laura Cassani is a Green Warrior

27-11-23|General information|

On her blog, Laura speaks about new years resolutions and her five day cleanse ! On top of that, she chose the Green Warrior cleanse, which is the hardest. Good job ! Read her review below. Dear all, My first post for 2016 is now ready, and we're going to talk about good resolutions! For this new year, I would like to have better life habits. I'm really determined to do more sport, eat better food, take better care of my skin… And what better way than a cleanse to get back on tracks ? After months following Fit'n'Tasty [...]

[Recipe] Sweet potato fries

27-11-23|General information|

You will never have tastier fries ! Sweeter and healthier, these perfectly crisp fries will give colour and taste to your side dishes. Plus, sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic load than normal potatoes, which means they don't raise your blood sugar as much. They are also loaded with very healthy nutrients such as vitamin B's and a whole lot of fiber. Of course, they have to be made as healthy as possible and we will show you how.  You can make just about anything with sweet potatoes if you bake them right; cubes, fries or even just cut in [...]

[Testimonial] Pretty Tiny Things rings in the new year with juices

27-11-23|General information|

Today we welcome Rafaela and Emily from the blog Pretty Tiny Things. They are two best friends from Switzerland and France and share their passion for fashion, photography and travels with us. Just in time for the new year Rafaela tested our juices! Besides the positive feedback we are absolutely in love with the pictures, wow! Read the whole review here: First of all I want to wish you all a wonderful 2016 full of love, luck, happiness and especially health! (Without that, we are nothing!) I'm coming back to you after a week in Portugal with my family which will include [...]

[Recipe] Edamama Noodle Bowl with Green Veggies

27-11-23|General information|

Welcome to 2016 ! This year marks the start of a better health and a better life. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU ! And what better way to kick start your healthier lifestyle than by cooking up a delicious meal for you and your family, right? You don't even have to give up your favourite foods, and we will show you how: For example, pasta. People always assume they have to say bye to pasta if they want to live healthy. But that is absolutely not true. There are so many amazing healthy alternatives that are gluten free, wheat free, low in calories and [...]