Here are 5 desserts weight loss friendly that will satisfy your sweet tooth!
Or just desserts we can abuse from ;-)

Cinnamon banana 
– Place the crosscut or in rings banana on a pan at medium heat (or oven, but less convenient)
– Squeeze a bit of lemon 
– Sprinkle with cinnamon, almonds or any other nuts (you can grill them beforehand)
Ready in 5 minutes!


Mango sorbet
– Chop the mango and freeze it (at least 4 hours)
– Blend until desired texture
Option: sprinkle with dried cranberries or goji berries for an even more exotic taste. 



Grapefruit 2.0
– 1 grapefruit

– 1 tsp agave syrup or honey 
– 1 tsp cinnamon
Cut the grapefruit in two.
Add the teaspoons on top of the fruit.
Put it in the oven for two to three minutes.


– 4 egg whites
– 2 tbsp sstevia
– 1 tsp vanilla extract
Preheat oven at 80°. Whisk the egg whites. Before they become solid, add the stevia and the vanilla, then whisk the whites until texture become smooth. On a baking sheet, place small heaps – a pastry bag helps. Leave in the oven for an hour, watching carefully that the meringues do not get brown. 

Choco-maca balls
– 10 pitted dates
– ½ cup pecan nut, walnut and shredded coconut
– ¼ cup raw cacao
– 1 tsp maca powder 
– 1 tsp cinnamon
– 1 tbsp agave syrup or honey
Mix all ingredients in a blender, adding the agave syrup progressively. Make truffles with your hands and roll them in the coconut. Keep refrigerated!