Wether it’s a craft beer, a homemade burger or cold-pressed juice, all those concepts were born out of an obvious need of authentic and local. Pushed to the extreme, the products that we regularly find in supermarkets became more neutral and bland than ever, caused by the problem of pricing rather than it’s quality. It is time to give back to the fruit it’s intense and refreshing taste and to the veggies their beautiful coloured gown.

Retail juices

Not an easy task to find what you need between all the different types of juices. A juice is made out of fruit and vegetables, by all means, fresh and unfermented. But the manufacturers have the possibility of adding a great number of additives without the obligation to mention it on the label. Trust us, it can fool more than one.

Between the pasteurised juices that can stay out of a fridge for one year (ONE YEAR!!!!) to juices enriched with sugar, our dear giants of the food industry are making us look like fools to the detriment of our health. Indeed, when you look closer to the label, not too surprising to find an orange juice for only CHF 2.50 knowing that beautiful fresh oranges cost CHF 2.80 the kilo. Well well… You never noticed? And then you come to wonder how the manufacturers do it? Here is a little recap of our accusations:

  • 100% pure fruit doesn’t always mean what you think it means. Apart from the fact that some additives don’t have to be mentioned, our biggest rant today is that those 100% fruit juice unfortunately don’t come from nice fresh fruits that were pressed, but instead from some puree or rehydrated powder. Outrageous! Say goodbye to the vitamins and all the good nutriments, we are left with the taste, as if…
  • Pasteurised juices: Oh yes it is really handy to have a juice somewhere in the cellar, i do understand that when the little one is screaming for his juice at 4pm, you better have it stored somewhere! But when you think about it, a pasteurised juice, is heated and then loses all its vitamins too.
  • The source of the juices: Unfortunately to the detriment of the sustainable, most of the low cost juices can’t be found at a local farmer’s, but far away, far where the production is ridiculously saturated to the loss of beautiful fruits and voluptuous veggies.
  • Organic food (BIO) : no need to make it’s eulogy today, you’ll have understood, the pesticides are rooted to your organism and will never let go. When you are looking for a refreshing and nutritive juice, look ORGANIC!
  • Ingredients: Did you know? A fruit juice is already way better than COKE (when it’s well chosen), nevertheless it is naturally way too sugary. A little touch (or a big one!) of vegetables is then more than welcome to bring balance in your day.

Times are changing!

The craft made it’s “boom”! Nowadays we want to drink juices for their benefits first! What’s best than refreshing yourself while bringing energy to your body? Local and craft juices think quality before price. At Fit ’n’ Tasty, our whole process is thought not to misrepresent the benefits : from the selection of the ingredients to the conservation technique through the soft pressed technique, you’ll taste the juice just as if you were biting in the fruit (or the vegetable!) with all its vitamins, nutriments and aromas.

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And we only are at the beginning of this new trend! We are looking forward to have juice shops in each corner of the streets to boost your day until the next corner! When will Fit ’n’ Tasty have its own?

With a limitless palette of different mixes possible, of fruits and vegetables always tastier, we find ourselves face to face with a great adventure with no limits that we hope we can share with you!

Taste buds, get ready!