
Can I cancel my order?


If you would like to cancel your order, please contact us by mail or phone, indicating your name and order number. Cancelation is possible up to 48 hours before the planned delivery.

How do I order?


Simply select the products you wish to order and go through the checkout process which will request your delivery details and program choice. It's easy and quick! You need more information? Call us at +41 21 544 16 36 or send us an email to info@fitntasty.ch

When can I start?


It takes 2 days (excluding weekends) between the time you place your order and the earliest possible reception of this order. We deliver from Tuesday to Saturday and you can select the delivery date of your choice in the checkout. For example, if you order on Sunday (until midnight) the earliest possible delivery date will be Tuesday. We recommend that you do not start fasting on the same day of delivery, but rather on the following day or within the shelf life of your juices to avoid stress in case of rare delays of the post. [...]