Your order will be delivered by the Swiss Post from Tuesday to Saturday the date of your choice. In the cart you can choose between 2 delivery options: Priority Shipping and Express moon. If you choose Priority Shipping delivery will take place between 7 and 5 pm, for Express moon between 7 and 9:30 am the date of your choice. The postman leaves the box in front of your door or in your letterbox. He or she might not always ring at the door if it’s too early.

If you can’t find the parcel, please check the area around your house or building before contacting us.

Once you’ve received the parcel, put the products in a fridge as soon as possible and check the expiration date (you’ll need to plan to finish them within the allotted days – we guarantee a minimum of 7 days’ shelf life).

Have you ordered a juice fasting program? We recommend that you start fasting the day after delivery, so you can enjoy your first juice as soon as you get out of bed!